Sharing Books with Indigenous Kids!

Sharing Books with Indigenous Kids!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Quick Update!

A little more welcomed publicity this week!  Our little project has made it to the Griffith News!  Photo shoot for that happening today!

Just a quick reminder... PLEASE contact us if you want to drop off some books, or would like us to pick some up from you! If you don't have any books, please consider donating a dollar or two so that we can purchase some suitable books on your behalf.  You are welcome to fill out a label to insert into the book to recognise your gift :)

We will be counting all the books we have so far next week, and let you know how close we are to those 2000 hopeful, life-changing books!

x C


  1. Just found your project via a Tweet from Griffith Review. Will pass on the information.
